Thursday, February 17, 2011

Memories of murder

Memories of murder
       In 1986 a woman is killed.  2 months later another is.
      Two investigators start going insane because they can’t find any evidence about the   murders.
Lots of women who used to wear red dresses were being raped and killed for 6 years on rainy days.  
The murderer must be a genius. He never would leave any tracks.  At the end, the statute of limitations is finished.
The accident would be mystery.

This is based on a true story and the events all actually happened in my city where I have lived so far.
It hasn’t happened again since that time.
However people think the city is terrible and are afraid of that.  It is definitely such a great film.

1986년 어느 시골마을에서 한여성이 의문을 남긴채 죽는다. 두달뒤 또다시 한여성이 싸늘한 주검으로 발견된다.  1991년까지 6년동안 10명이상의 여성이 죽어간다. 이 수사를 맡은 두 형사는 어디서, 어떻게, 왜, 누구에 의해 일어난 일인지 파헤치려하지만, 수사망은 좁아지지않고 무모한여성들만 계속 죽고있다. 이 두형사는 실마리도 잡지못한채 미쳐만 간다.
그 여성들의 공통점은 비 오는 날 빨간색 옷을 입고 강간으로 살인 당했다는것.
지능적으로 범행을 일삼는 범죄자에 대한 공소시효가 끝남에도 불구하고
수사는 지속되지만 끝내 미스테리 사건으로 남는다.
이 영화는 실제 이야기를 바탕으로 만들어 진 것이며 북미 평론가들과 뉴욕 타임즈 워싱턴 포스트에 소개되며 많은 갈채를 받은 작품이다.  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

cover letter (REAL)

                                                                                                               YOUN HWA, JUNG
         648 Shinnam Dong
         Hwasung Si
           Kyungki Do
        South of Korea
Mr. James Kim
The manager of
Moran Art of Museum
Your advertisement for a curator in the gallery caught my attention.
It appeals that my qualification and career interest are in your requirement.
I have a year experience with museum of art as a assitant curator.
Some of my duties included.
- Assisting the Curator with preparing and runing art exhibitions.
- Answering all queries and questions on each exhibition.
- The art museum orgainsed after school art classes for kids. I thught the kid many differnetstyles of art.
- I looked after the preparation of a booklet for each exhibition. The booklet contained information about the artist and their art work.
I also graduated from Kyung Hee university in korea with Fine-Art major in 2008.
I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss and hopefully will be hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your consideration.